our story
The name "scalaria" is a composition of Milanese
Scala & Galleries
of this world.
In 1998, it all started with an idea—as things often do—and the desire to create something right on Lake Wolfgang. Back then, Peter Gastberger was no dreamer, but rather a visionary. The idea began to take shape. It started out under the name Schloss am Wolfgangsee on the site of the former Romantikhotel Eibenstein. In the year 2000, it became event resort scalaria. That’s when things really took off.
In 1999, the world premiere of the Peugeot 205 was the first event to be held at scalaria. Countless events were to follow. The open house event Lemontree provided an opportunity for scalaria to showcase its potential to the world and the international press for the first time. La vita é scalaria with a flying pianist on a hot air balloon was another event to remember. Another unforgettable event series was the scalaria air challenge during which, for one summer weekend a year between 2005 and 2015, Lake Wolfgang became a hub of international seaplane aviation and set new standards with air shows by the Flying Bulls.
Between 2008 and 2012, there was scalaria Aquaria and close collaboration with Cirque du Soleil. scalaria Symphony was an event that emerged from the air challenge. This consists of a flying opera performed by the virtuosos of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra with the accompaniment of aerobatic artists, such as the Flying Bulls and Red Bull Blanix. Finally, in 2019 and 2022, a touch of Hollywood reached the lake when the Oscars of Aviation were presented by John Travolta and Morgan Freeman at the Living Legends of Aviation Gala.
Away from the event stage, a lot has happened in the past 25 years. 75 rooms were added to the new sunset wing to the west of the resort. In 2022, the DO-X teatro was extended to include the new Pergola Terrace and Lemon Beach Bar.
"Peter Gastberger is everything
in one: organizer, location operator, idea generator and 360° solution provider."
Peter Gastberger
Hans-Jürgen Heinrich, Editor-in-Chief of the trade magazine "events" & owner of MICE Consulting
lifetime achievement award
The event visionary from "Wolfgangsee", as Peter Gastberger was called by the independent panel in their laudatory speech, received the coveted award for his outstanding achievements in the events industry. "scalaria has added significant value to the tourism sector in the Lake Wolfgang region," said Hans-Jürgen Heinrich, long-time editor-in-chief of MICE magazine ‘events’ and owner of MICE Consulting. "By staging his own events and generating measurable detour profitability, the entrepreneur has succeeded in awakening the stagnating Salzkammergut region from its slumber and helping it to open up new horizons."
let's create your moment
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+43 6138 8000
see 1
5360 st. wolfgang